Panel Applications
& Econolite
CPA Core, Aluminum Surface

and Panel
is colorfast, water insensitive, lightweight, easy to fabricate, requires
no edge sealing, has a smooth, glossy surface and is available in 12
colors. If you intend to use Econolite or D-Lite in a post and panel
installation, use two, 2" x 4" stringers across the top and
bottom of the span between the two posts. (See installation instructions
on page 39.) This is required for proper support and adds rigidity to the
panel, preventing the sign from flexing and bowing in the wind. It also
helps to prevent damage to the panel during installation of the posts into
the ground.
is strong, (doesn’t require stringers), colorfast, water insensitive,
lightweight, easy to fabricate, requires no edge sealing, has a smooth,
glossy surface and is available in 12 colors.

Billboards, Fascias
for large signs, canopies and more...
sealing wood core panels in joints between panels is a very difficult
task. Proper edge sealing dictates 1/16" of uniform caulk in the
joint that covers the edges of the plywood completely. However, Alumalite
and Econolite solve this problem and can extend the life of your
billboards as much as 3-4 times longer than MDO. Alumalite and Econolite
won't warp, swell or rot like traditional MDO billboards. Imagine the
money you could save by not replacing rotted MDO plywood on your billboard
every 2-3 years.
is only backed on one side and needs more support.
Alumalite, when properly fastened, offers plenty of
strength, especially when supported on 48" rail spans to withstand
Mother Nature's worst. Alumalite is also recommended for decorative
fascias and raceways. It resists wrinkling in large-scale applications—won't
"oil can" like big sheets of aluminum. For reliable stability
that allows for expansion and contraction, you can "float" your
Alumalite panels from angle iron fastened to the building.

Used for
signs, displays and fixtures...
can be fabricated easily with a jigsaw, band saw, router, and table or
panel saws. Easily painted or screened, Alumalite makes cut-outs as easy
as 1-2-3. Finished edges can be achieved by using color matched Edge Cap®
which can be heated and made to conform to the desired shape by wrapping
the edges with vinyl, or by filling the flutes along the edges with a
color selected caulk.

For use
when panel strength is less-important...
Since you only need one finished side, and the panel strength is less
important, our one-sided Econolite or D-Lite are recommended; however, all
other Laminators’ boards also work well.
Econolite is ideal for wall mounted applications.
The economical price of Econolite combined with the durable colorfast
surface and water resistant properties make it the natural choice.
Econolite faces are anchored to a rigid core and won't “oil can”
(wrinkled look) or distort in the sun like ordinary painted aluminum sheet
or expanded PVC foams. Also it won't become brittle when exposed to
sub-zero temperatures. Remember to allow for thermal expansion when
drilling fastener holes. Econolite can simplify sign construction and save
you time and money. Just cut to size, apply graphics, and install using
screws, lag bolts, exterior VHB tape or panel construction adhesive
(follow manufacturers instructions for proper use).
It's just that easy.

channel letterbacks and push-through letters to
laser engraving and screen printing...
UL component
can be used as a structural backer in place of wood core letter back
products or as a routed face, without changes to your UL procedural
manual. (UL File number E60612).
Laminators for Channel Letterbacks?
- Ten
times stronger than .060 aluminum sheet.
- Alumalite
strength minimizes costly damage to channel letters
- Alumalite
replaces expensive welding labor, routs faster, and elimiantes the
need to paint letters after assembly
thicker acrylic inserts protrude beyond the opaque face to create a halo
effect around illuminated copy. Alumalite helps reduce the overall weight
of the sign box, comes pre-painted, saving labor and material costs, and
the unique design of the corrugated core lends itself perfectly to this
is the ideal material for use with push-through letters. It routs like
butter, and it is easy to handle. Almost 10 times stronger than .060
aluminum sheet, it provides significantly more rigidity for larger letters
or sign faces.
and Econolite both offer a flat, smooth surface that lends itself well to
Laser Engraving and Screen Printing applications. However, prolonged
exposure to heat in excess of 250°F is not recommended. Follow the
manufacturer's recommended procedures for covering a wax and silicone
free, polyester paint surface.
screen printing, consult ink manufacturer prior to production, and always
pretest inks for proper adhesion. Panel surface should be cleaned after
removing masking film to remove any adhesive residue, body oils, or other